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Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qassimi has achieved a comprehensive and sustainable renaissance in order to ensure the country's prosperity, progress and happiness. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saud Bin Saqr Al Qassimi, Crown Prince of the Emirate, To reflect the vision of a modern legislative structure and full of modern times and looking forward to the future, based on a legislative committee to harness all the possibilities to enable it to perform its role. That is why they decided to establish such a committee.

His Highness the Crown Prince issued Decree No. 11 of 2017 on the formation of the Legislative Committee in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. He commissioned it to study and review all the proposed legislation of the General Secretariat of the Executive Council and to submit opinions and advice thereon. To submit proposals and observations thereon in accordance with a specific mechanism, and to provide legal opinion and advice to the Committee regarding the application of legal texts, whether by the Government or its affiliates. His Highness's decision was the birth of a new legislative system aimed at implementing the supreme policy of the Emirate, with the aim of advancing the present and looking forward to the future in all areas of life through comprehensive, integrated and comprehensive legislative texts that explore all possible hypotheses immediately, And develop the most appropriate solutions to them, drawing on the precedents and legal principles established, with simplicity and clarity, and avoid the complexity and ambiguity, and in order to achieve consistency between the existing legislative reality and the organization developed and hoped, and even predict what it can be entered into amendments to keep pace with developments and future prospects of life; in order to ensure the achievement of legislative stability, which is a prerequisite for achieving comprehensive development.
God bless
Legislative Plan:
Legislative Year 2017:
- Act no. 2 of 2017 on establishing Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zones (RAKEZ) and the authority supervising thereon;
- Act no. 3 of 2017 on establishing Department of Public Services;
- Act no. 4 of 2017 on human resources of local police in Ras Al Khaimah;
- Act no. 5 of 2017 on pensions and social insurance of local military personals working in RAK Government;
- Act no. 9 of 2017 on organization enforcement of written documents and e-signatures in RAK;
- Act no. 10 of 2017 on Ras Al Khaimah seaports;
- Amiri decree no. 7 of 2017 on geographical sites of Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zones (RAKEZ);
- Amiri decree no. 8 of 2017 on Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zones (RAKEZ) and the authority supervising thereon.
Legislative Year 2018:
- Act no. 1 of 2018 on restructuring Department of Economic Development;
- Act no. 3 of 2018 on occupancy of pavements and external sidewalks;
- Act no. 4 of 2018 on organization of Oil Sector in Ras Al Khaimah;
- Act no. 5 of 2018 on establishment of Media Office of Ras Al Khaimah;
- Act no. 7 of 2018 on government human resources ;
- Act no. 9 of 2018 on organization the work of sanitation vehicles.
Legislative Year 2019: Under review.
Strategic Vision of Legislative Committee
Vision: Modern, complete, updated, forward-looking and legislative structure
Mission: Achieving a comprehensive sustainable development by developing legislations supportive thereto and controlling its implementation as per the best international practices and cooperation with all relevant authorities all over the Emirate and UAE.
Strategic Goals:
-Studying and reviewing all proposed legislations and providing advice thereon; and preparing and approving legal draft thereof;
-Providing suggestions and recommendations necessary to be made to existing legislations and receiving suggestions and comments thereon whether from Government and affiliates thereof or individuals as per a certain strategy;
-Providing legal opinion and advice on proposals submitted before the Committee including inquiries related to the enforcement of legal texts;
-Providing government sustainable and balanced legislations in a unique corporate environment;
-Reinforcing legislative culture at all levels.