• Wednesday 8, January, 2025
Rak Digital Rak Digital RAK Municipality Food Consumer Veterinary Product Registration

Service Enquiry

Product \ Packaging Material Registration

This service is used to Modify existing  Food/ Consumer/ Veterinary product for manufacturers, packers and traders 

Step 1

Sign Up using smart pass

Step 2

Submit Product registration request by filling the online form, and attaching the required documents

Step 3

The concerned section / department will Review the request and take a decision

Step 4

Upon approval, Product Certificate will be generated, sent to customer email where he can download the product certificate electronic copy.

Service Fees

Free of charge

Service Prerequisites

1. Establishment Registration / Update Information
To use PHD automated services, customer must head to PHD Customer Happiness Center to register his Establishment and update his information for the 1st time, and provide the below documents:
a) License copy
b) Lease Contract / Title Deed
c) Download and fill the  Establishment update information form & provide to Customer Happiness team in PHD (Owner / manager / Representative contacts, EID number) 
d) Present a delegation letter from company that contains his name and EID and contact information
N.B. In case Manager / owner is not mentioned in license
2. Individual Registration
Become a representative on behalf of your establishment by: 
a) Smart Pass Registration 
Register Smart Pass by entering EID and scanning your fingerprint in MBME machine
Must have a valid EID
b) Present a delegation letter from company that contains his name and EID/ Passport Number and contact information
c) Present EID / Passport Copy

General Conditions

1. Submit the required documents to start the service 
2. Pay the request fees in order to proceed with the request
3. The Request fees should be 100 AED per product registration 
4. In case the product already approved by Public Health Department before, then the system will have exception of fee payment and applicant must provide the previous label assessment certificate as an evidence while submitting the form

Required Documents

Product Registration Required Documents:

  1. Health and nutritional Claims certificates
  2. Halal Certificate
  3. New Label Picture
  4. Product Image 
  5. Previous label assessment certificate if applicable from RAK PHD
  6. Other documents based on different product type

Packaging Materiel Registration Required Documents:

  1. Material Safety (Specific Data Sheet for Packaging Material)
  2. Picture of the Packaging Material
  3. Product Analysis Report for Heavy Metal Migration
  4. Country of Origin Certificate


Terms and Conditions

1 working days from the date of request / application submission 

Center Operating Hours: 

Sunday - Thursday From 8:30 AM till 17:30 PM.

Start Service